Thursday, November 9, 2017

Good Housekeeping

I was going to blog yesterday but decided to clean my house in Marisa's honor.

Here you go, Marisa. This is what I use to keep my house in order as a working mom of two and has a man that likes to spend a lot of time outdoors.

You can keep that. It's my gift to you.

Marisa wanted to respond to my blog post, via Instagram, because she'd rather put all her nasty business on display for her "friends" instead of coming to me directly on my blog. Not that I mind her attention-seeking decision. It gives my blog more views and follows. Thanks!

Marisa never believed in divorce until she found out that marriage is work. Oookay. She's crying about circumstances that were completely in her control. She decided to get knocked up twice in two years. She decided to be a stay-at-home mom because she's so lazy and useless she won't get a job. She feels "overwhelmed" with household chores and not getting enough time to herself. Which is abso-fucking-lutely ludicrous because as I'm about to show, the household chores NEVER got done and she spent 90% of her waking hours on her phone, ignoring her children. How much more "alone" time could one person need? 

Oh, I can blog about you. And I will. Because I don't give a fuck who's on what side. I only care about what I can prove. Steve and I aren't friends and haven't spoken a single word to each other. He only recently unblocked me. I heard he was displeased with my blogs because I post things I shouldn't have. Oh well! P.s. it's *you're

And yes, naming your child with aspirations of him becoming an "all powerful ruler" to live up to his name is white trashy. Goat herder seems more realistic. 

This was her job description. Care for her family, not have her nose in her phone at all hours. Manage household affairs, not expect her husband to. Do housework. DO. FUCKING. HOUSEWORK. It's really not hard. 

This chick. Haha. First off, I highly doubt Steve didn't want to spend time with his new son. But let's just pretend that Marisa isn't full of shit and give her the benefit of the doubt on that. She's still bitching that she has to be a parent to two kids under 2 when she made the decision to get pregnant that soon. Sorry, not sorry you have to be accountable for your idiotic life choices! 

"He refused to get an actual job". This is my favorite part. Didn't she mention in her opening statement that Steve was always working or outside? She's actually complaining that he doesn't work enough when she has NEVER held a job to take care of her kids! Ha! She's legit mad about her host not providing enough for her parasitic ways. 

"He doesn't have a license so he's driving around illegally" PAUSE little Miss Hypocrite. Do you have a license? Or have you been such a bum that you can't even provide your own transportation? 27 years old and can't drive. La-hooo-za-herrr. 

Let's take a trip down memory lane.

So, she didn't even have a permit much less a license. But lied to a judge. And if she doesn't think having a license is relevant for being a responsible parent, what does it matter if her husband did? 

Also curious if she's paid child support for the two children she lost custody to? Can I get an ex to confirm for me? I have a hunch.

Alright, enough of that. Let's get to the really grody shit. 

Since Marisa wants to whine that her husband didn't do enough for her, let's see what Marisa brought to the marriage!

So proud of her growing belly. But so oblivious to the mess she lives in that she didn't notice there's a full bag of trash knocked over and spilling out behind her. There was a crawling aged child living in the home at the time. Could you imagine the smell? Ugh.

Let's talk about Marisa's personal hygiene. She is so grotesque that she wouldn't shower or brush her hair to the point that she had to cut the knots out of her hair! Good Lord!

MORE THAN ONE TIME! And she advertised that shit on Instagram! How fucking REPULSIVE can one be?! I don't even know how Steve managed to fuck her at least twice to produce children. No wonder the dude had to be stoned all the time. Sweet Jesus.


There was a crawling infant living in this house!!

Every time I see these pictures it makes me want to puke. Hell, even if I puked on my kitchen floor and left it for a week it STILL wouldn't look like this. 


I can't. 
That's the fucking KITCHEN, you guys. Where FOOD is made. The child is TOUCHING that counter!!

Not that Marisa actually prepared real food. Or bothered to dress her children. I imagine they never had clean clothes to wear because laundry would be too much of an "overwhelming" task to ask of a useless housewife. She gave her toddler an ENTIRE ice cream cone. Who the fuck does that? WHY WAS SHE STILL BREEDING? 

No wonder Marisa and the kids are always sick. Can you imagine the kind of disease their systems are combating on a daily basis from living in filth? This is how you get the plague. 

I'm going to go take a shower now. And mop my floor. Again. This whole post gave me the heebie jeebies. But please, feel free to tell  me in the comments how *I'm* the monster here. 

[Insert retching sounds.]

Monday, November 6, 2017

Ever Heard of Hollister, CA?

Fun fact about the author:

She went to high school at San Benito in a little bitty gossipy town called Hollister, CA. Some of you may have heard of it? Funny thing about small towns is that everyone knows each other and loves to talk about who's sleeping with whom, who posted a gross selfie, who's been nominated as biggest loser.

And who went on a rant on Instagram.


I'm off on Wednesday. I'll get to posting screenshots then. Smooches!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Patience Stronger Than Wedding Vows

Remember awhile back when Natalie had a friend that called me a whore? And then I screenshotted her life? Well, she ended up getting back together with baby daddy #3. I was ready and waiting for the ensuing train wreck.

There was a bunch of shit in the middle, but let's just skip to the fun stuff, m'kay?

Wait, wait. Before I get to the recent screenshots I just want to share this one. Because I like to have ample foreshadowing and irony in my storytelling.

Okay. Let's begin. 

As of January 28th, 2016 the lovebirds were back on like they hadn't missed a beat. Their friends were left feeling like they'd missed the memo. 

In the same speed-dating style as the year prior, they're engaged within the typical employment probationary period. Because we learned our lesson the last time?

But it's Junkie approved, so it must be destined for eternity!


One week later and he's already her husband? Umm, no. She's just confused how the process of courtship works. Boyfriend > Fiance > then Husband. 
I don't know who this was directed at, but it's all pretty funny now.  Edit: I found the old screenshot. Nothing says shotgun wedding quite like, "How do I spell my last name, again?"

They made it legal 2 months after that.

6 weeks and the newlyweds are sooooo happy! That's a change of heart from the last time around!

Can I just say that Steve's mom makes me laugh, though? "Haha" indeed, Shell!

Another ironic post.

The still-newlyweds seem to be getting along, joking about their daughter together. 
Sidebar: In the year or so of their marriage, they had a son. Marisa was thoroughly convinced that breastfeeding was 100% effective birth control. There was some controversy over the naming of that child. Should it follow suit with the basic white trash names Marisa is so fond of? Or should Steve be able to name the extra mouth he has to feed? 

Do I smell blood in the water?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's only been 26.5 hours since we were a big ol' happy family! But, damn I love it when they argue with each other on public forums like adults. 

That escalated quickly. Unhealthy living conditions? Like, rats? Trash everywhere? A disgusting, nasty, lazy mess left by a slovenly housewife with no job? Might I also mention all of this transpired in less than 48 hours since the parenting inside-jokes?

"Whoa what?" I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I'm not a liar. Amused? Just a pinch. 

Papers were filed. Their marriage lasted 16 months. Wow.

For what it's worth, I am also 'feeling entertained'. 

At this point I was watching her life burn down in real time. Yes, I had popcorn. 

I don't think she's taking it well. 

I'll be sure to keep an eye out as this story develops. 

Let's see this one again: