I had another blog that I created for amusement, inspiration and a means to write about whatever I wanted to get the creative juices flowing. But it morphed into something else. Something that I still stand for, but not necessarily synonymous with the theme I'd intended for the blog. On my journey as a woman and a mother I was assaulted by these detestable females that go against everything I believe in. Vicious girls that live off of their own entitlement and bullshit. I had to write about it. I had to vent. I had to get it out of my head and give it to the universe (albeit a virtual one).
What started as a way to defend loved ones had turned into something more. Now it's a mission to out these unfortunate atrocities that I share a gender with. I'm an old school feminist. I believe women should be just as equal as men. Equal pay, equal rights, stature, opportunity. Today's society has shifted. The new age femnazis have taken things too far. We shouldn't have laws put into place that "protect" women while demonizing men. We shouldn't have a court system that is so blatantly gender biased. Children should not have to decide which parent is better and a court of law shouldn't have the power to either, based on five minutes of testimony between bickering exes. It sickens me.
It's more deplorable when women exploit these weaknesses in the legal system and our society. And then have the audacity to kick a man when he's down because they "won" on an unfair playing field. I guess I just have a soft spot for the underdogs. This is my push back. It's not going to be pretty and I don't care. I've had it. I will not take the high road, ignore these monstrosities and move along with my life. No. If someone didn't want to be featured on my blog then they should have behaved better. With that being said, my writing is not above amendments. I have done so in the past. Errors are edited and true repentance is returned in kind. If any persons would like to be removed from my blog, they can't just ask for it. They have to act right for it.
Make no mistake, I have no problem coming down to someone else's level and beating them on their own turf. So crying to me about being the bigger person, rising above, letting go, or anything appealing to my better nature is a wasted effort. Perhaps, try fixing the actual problem instead of requesting that I refrain from pointing it out.
I could boast that I come from a righteous position and this blog is my retribution, but let's be real. The underlying theme of this blog is:
If you fuck with me, I will fuck with you back.
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